Name: Plodo, real name is Henrik
Class: Warrior
age: 16 soon 17
raiding hours
monday: 19:00 - 23:00
tuseday: 19:00 - 23/24:00
wedensday: cant, because of handball practice.
thursday:19:00 - 23:00
friday: 19:00 - 24:00
saturday:19:00 - 24:00
sunday: 19:00 - 23:00
Current / Previous guild and reason for leaving : Consanguineus, i didnt wanted pve more then i tried some pvp, but thats not me, and now i wanne try to get back to pve.
please link your gear from the armory :
i also got some fury gear as i can spec if needed.
prev raid xp: kara, gruuls, maggy, Za, ssc, tk, mh, bt
why you have chosen enigma? Because i hope to be in a guild where they actually needs me.
about yourself: i am 16 years old guy there like to play alot computer and handball. And I drink alcoholik at the weekends when i feel for it.