raiding hours
monday:5.00 - end raid
tuseday:5.00 - end raid
wedensday:5.00 - end raid
thursday:5.00 - end raid
friday:5.00 - end raid
saturday:usually busy
sunday:usually busy
Current / Previous guild and reason for leaving
maintain a life stlye- I felt I was growing out of this guild, as they slacked in raid progress and knowledge, I then moved onto a PvP based guild to forfill my needs.
GY Campers: - As I realised PvP was repetative and boring with no base storyline, I got my PvP gear and left that.
please link your gear from the armory
prev raid xp:
gruul's lair
ZA 2 out 6 bosses
why you have chosen enigma?
ive got friends in the guild (swifter and prospect). Been on the guilds vent for quite a while and i like the guilds atmosphere as the members are freindly and helpfull. i dont care about being a raiding or casual guild member i just want to be part of a guild with my freinds.
about yourself:
my name is hayden and i like to go mountain biking, free running and socialising with freinds on wow
i spend most weekends with my girlfriend so that is why i put usually busy at weekends on the raiding hours.