Name: Gogrash
Class: Warrior (Tank)
age: 16
raiding hours
tuseday: Untill 1 am
thursday: Untill 1 am
friday: anytime
saturday: anytime
sunday: untill 1 am
Current / Previous guild and reason for leaving
TSL fell apart, and now I'm looking for a new and exciting raiding guild.. And I thought of you!
please link your gear from the armory
prev raid xp: Lots of Kara, Gruul and a fukload of Heroics (Hence my badge gear)
why you have chosen enigma? My cousin is in there, and I heard ur doing 25-mans and MH, which sounds very exciting.
about yourself: Im funny at times, a reliable and patient raider. I love doing new stuff, and I sign raids as often as possible. I am very eager to try new raid bosses. I can also say Im a decent tank.