Name: Chama
Class: Shaman (Restoration)
raiding hours/ hours online
monday: 4pm till late
tuseday: 4pm till late
wedensday: 4pm till late
thursday: 4pm till late
friday: 4pm till late
saturday: rarely on saturdays
sunday: if i make plans to raid this day i'll be there
please also link your gear from the armory
prev raid xp:
before tbc i have completed MC, ZG, BWL and AQ20 and tried Naxx
After tbc i have cleared Kara, Gruul, Magtheridon and i know the first 5 boss' in SSC, 2 boss' in Tempest Keep, first boss in MH and tried a full clear of ZA
why you have chosen enigma?
Well i met Bashura and have quested alot with each other and while the time period i have been asking about the guild and from what i can hear it seems like the right place for me. I've been raiding on the "other" side and wanted to give my shammy on horde a good feel in raiding.
None the less i can only say that you came highly recomended and that is why i aply.
about yourself:
Well i know this is not going to help my aplication but im 29 and from DK but that aside i'd say i try to be a nice person
I like to help fellow players and i enjoy to do off instances when not raiding. On a personal note i've been married for 2 years now and that does meen that i use most of my weekends with the wife but when i sign on for a raid im there and prepared.
Now the painfull part, im only lvl 68 right now but im going to press the last 2 lvl's through. I know its a big deal not being lvl 70 but i know my class, I know what gear suits my char and how to heal in raids, if you dont feel interested in letting me trial with you guys i'd be greatfull just from what i have expirienced of the people in the guild.